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August 7, 2015
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August 7, 2015Custom ICC/ICM Profiling for Monitors and Printers
Are you a discerning print maker? Are you having problems with shadow detail or color casts? Custom ICC printer profiles are the answer – what you see (your calibrated display) is what you will get (matching prints). Generic profiles (AKA “canned profiles”) provided by printer and media manufacturers can often be of good quality, but only a custom profile will compensate for variances in output devices, inks, and media. Custom printer profiles provide many benefits, including exceptionally accurate color reproduction, smoother tonal transitions, neutral grays, and improved shadow and highlight details. Stop wasting time and money! Our custom profiles are optimized for your specific printer, ink, and paper combination and will help you get the most out of your printer and paper. We can profile nearly any printer and substrate: Office printers; inkjet papers; canvas; metallic paper; metal prints; dye sublimation; fabrics and textiles; office/bond paper; traditional silver halide, and many others.
Our custom profiles are superior in quality and cost , and they’re easy to order, install, and use. Your can read more here: Understanding Monitor and Printer’s Profiles
Available Crafts | ICC/ICM Profile |
Paper Stock | Any type of paper as long as your ink can stick to. |
Unit Type | 1 Printer/Monitor Profile |
Note | For printer profiling, please note that one profile is used for one type of paper only. "Satisfaction guaranteed or money back." |